Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

ACT stands for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. It's a type of psychotherapy that falls under the broader category of cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBT). ACT was developed by psychologist Steven C. Hayes in the 1980s and is grounded in the principles of functional contextualism and behaviour analysis. ACT focuses on helping individuals to accept their thoughts and feelings rather than attempting to eliminate or control them. It emphasizes the idea that struggling against or trying to avoid uncomfortable emotions can often lead to more suffering. Instead, ACT encourages people to be present in the moment and to develop psychological flexibility.


ACT stands for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. It's a type of psychotherapy that falls under the broader category of cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBT). ACT was developed by psychologist Steven C. Hayes in the 1980s and is grounded in the principles of functional contextualism and behaviour analysis. ACT focuses on helping individuals to accept their thoughts and feelings rather than attempting to eliminate or control them. It emphasizes the idea that struggling against or trying to avoid uncomfortable emotions can often lead to more suffering. Instead, ACT encourages people to be present in the moment and to develop psychological flexibility.
Cognitive Defusion
This involves distancing oneself from distressing thoughts and recognizing that thoughts are not facts. It helps individuals detach from their thoughts and have a more flexible relationship with them.
This involves being open to experiencing one's emotions, thoughts, and sensations without judgment or avoidance. It's about acknowledging what is present without trying to change it.
Present Moment Awareness
This emphasizes being fully engaged and present in the current moment rather than getting caught up in worries about the past or the future.
Self-as Context
This is the idea that people have a transcendent self that observes their experiences. It encourages individuals to identify with this observing self rather than being consumed by their thoughts and emotions.
Values Clarification
This process involves identifying what is truly important and meaningful to an individual. It helps them align their actions with their core values.
Real-time results
This refers to setting goals and taking actions that are in line with one's values, even in the face of discomfort or challenging emotions.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

ACT stands for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. It's a type of psychotherapy that falls under the broader category of cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBT). ACT was developed by psychologist Steven C. Hayes in the 1980s and is grounded in the principles of functional contextualism and behaviour analysis. ACT focuses on helping individuals to accept their thoughts and feelings rather than attempting to eliminate or control them. It emphasizes the idea that struggling against or trying to avoid uncomfortable emotions can often lead to more suffering. Instead, ACT encourages people to be present in the moment and to develop psychological flexibility.


ACT stands for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. It's a type of psychotherapy that falls under the broader category of cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBT). ACT was developed by psychologist Steven C. Hayes in the 1980s and is grounded in the principles of functional contextualism and behaviour analysis. ACT focuses on helping individuals to accept their thoughts and feelings rather than attempting to eliminate or control them. It emphasizes the idea that struggling against or trying to avoid uncomfortable emotions can often lead to more suffering. Instead, ACT encourages people to be present in the moment and to develop psychological flexibility.
ACT stands for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. It's a type of psychotherapy that falls under the broader category of cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBT). ACT was developed by psychologist Steven C. Hayes in the 1980s and is grounded in the principles of functional contextualism and behaviour analysis. ACT focuses on helping individuals to accept their thoughts and feelings rather than attempting to eliminate or control them. It emphasizes the idea that struggling against or trying to avoid uncomfortable emotions can often lead to more suffering. Instead, ACT encourages people to be present in the moment and to develop psychological flexibility.
Cognitive Defusion
This involves distancing oneself from distressing thoughts and recognizing that thoughts are not facts. It helps individuals detach from their thoughts and have a more flexible relationship with them.
This involves being open to experiencing one's emotions, thoughts, and sensations without judgment or avoidance. It's about acknowledging what is present without trying to change it.
Present Moment Awareness
This emphasizes being fully engaged and present in the current moment rather than getting caught up in worries about the past or the future.
Self-as Context
This is the idea that people have a transcendent self that observes their experiences. It encourages individuals to identify with this observing self rather than being consumed by their thoughts and emotions.
Values Clarification
This process involves identifying what is truly important and meaningful to an individual. It helps them align their actions with their core values.
Real-time results
This refers to setting goals and taking actions that are in line with one's values, even in the face of discomfort or challenging emotions.
The Campaign
At Rediscover, we aim to spread our message to as many youth as we can. That's why we've produced content for nearly every popular social media app.
Followers: 1,040 Likes:
Social Media
Why Instagram?
13-24 year olds make up nearly 39% of Instagram's userbase. In interviews with several hundred students, most say Instagram is their go-to social media platform. Moreover, the majority of influence causing body image issues as well other low self-esteem contributing factors root from platforms like Instagram. Evidently, it made sense to tackle the problem right at its core. We started the Instagram page with informative content-based posts in mind as compared to social media sites like TikTok, the average user attention span is higher. Specificically, we designed the Discovery campaign to share practical advice on tackling low self-esteem on the daily with a weekly theme focused on one protective factor. We also made sure to incorporate the BeThere certificate by focusing on a given Golden Rule for each in-person event. We also interviewed students at each event, making sure that our efforts were truely impacting those with low self-esteem.
Below are some highlights of the Discovery campaign and the subsequent months.
Followers: Likes:
Why TikTok?
7 in every 10 U.S. teens use TikTok at least once a month. 52% admitted that social media like Tikok makes them feel less confident about themselves. It's a matter of low self-worth and a lack of a seemingly 'interesting' life that plagues teens today. These statistics inspired us to determine their affects on actual students we see around us. Using TikTok, we aimed to interview students on a personal level to grant us more perspective into the efficacy of both our campaign and already existing mental health resources. We began by asking what stressed them out, how different stakeholders in their life influence them, and how they think they can be further supported. We also used TikTok's short-form video style to deliver quality information in a short period of time in collaberation with multiple healthcare professionals. By reflecting both on this information and Golden Rule #3, Hear Them Out, we promoted our protective factors by educating students of daily practices for each protective factor. We also performed mini 'social experiments' to help viewers visualize the true power of gratitude, altruism, and self-satisfaction.
Below are some highlights of the TikTok interviews over the months.
Users: 10 Posts: 9
Why Reddit?
Over 18% of youth use Reddit on a daily basis; however, compared to other platforms, Reddit is considered to much more expressive, anonymous, and community-centered. It is because of the 'Subreddit' feature that we were so inclined to use the platform to better connect our community. We used Reddit as a community building resource, a place where all our viewers could share their personal stories, tips, and resources on tackling low self-esteem. In addition, we hosted 'AMA (Ask Me Anything)' events with our mental health consultant and other healthcare professionals to give youth an easy and accessible way to connect with professional help as per Golden Rule #5. In line with BeThere's Golden Rule #4 "Know Your Role", we also encouraged subreddit members to practice the BeThere's rules when commenting on others' posts to ensure we had the safest environment possible.
Below are some screenshots of our top Reddit moments.
Followers: 15 Retweets: 20
Why Twitter and Threads?
Twitter is now known to be a site of filter-free discussion and not so kind language. Due to this shift in the dogma of Twitter and the introduction of Threads, we decided to capitalize on the nearly 1 in 5 youth that use Twitter to further spread the message of Rediscover. Twitter and Threads served more so as a reflection space for the team and viewers as we dove into famous quotes and thoughts focused on our three protective factors. By analyzing these quotes for viewers and encouraging discussion on their interpretation, we aimed to break the stigma of talking about mental health-related topics like self-esteem. Through these quotes we encouraged both viewers and ourselves to further practice setting boundaries and taking care of yourself like suggested in BeThere's Golden Rule #4.
Below are a few of the most meaningful quotes we shared.
Listeners: 27 Episodes: 3
Why Spotify?
47% of youth listen to podcasts, and Spotify happens to be the largest music distributor by stream count. These statistics work in hand with our passionate healthcare professionals who wanted to share their thoughts on self-esteem, it's risk factors, protective factors, and various other aspects contributing to the mental health of youth today. The podcast functioned as an outlet for professional opinions, our team's personal experiences, and viewer questions. All of this was in the hopes of creating another reliable and informative outlet of self-esteem advice for youth to listen to while performing other activities. We were able to practice Golden Rule #5, Connect Them To Help, on a very personal level by directly adressing real questions with professionals while also providing additional resources to support in the meantime.
Below is a link to our Spotify podcast page.
Subscribers: 45 Editions: 4
Why a Newsletter?
Some still believe in the golden age of written word! At the demand of our viewers who want updates on progress, events, and future plans, we developed a newsletter to personally address those in support of the campaign. The newsletter was to serve as a bi-weekly summary of our progress as well as to remind viewers of upcoming events. We also made sure to include segments from a variety of healthcare professionals to further provide easy access to professional support resources. On top of being a summary, we also provided more tips on practically implementing our protective factors to further fight against low self-esteem, practicing Golden Rule #5, Connect To Help.
Below are some excerpts from our newsletter editions.
Amer, Bhalla, Marwaha, Riar, Vinoth, Zala Contact:
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